A term a British man uses to refer to a sea turtle.
I hate el sea tortelini
I do not care for el sea tortelini
A term used by pirates for Doushbag ! or sailor talk
OH, that Sea Bag is taking me Booty !
Buttering someone's ass with a dull knife and sea salt before performing anal sex.
Rod love to Sea Sharp before gargling with orange soda and pop rocks.
They're called sea bitches because we should have seen those bitches coming. Best described as white people who traveled the fucking ocean to commit mass genocide while stealing the land of the native Americans.
"Immigrants are stealing our jobs and ruining this country!" Well you sea bitches stole the lives and land of the Native Americans first so what now Becky?
seas battlegrounds, a game made on the platform "roblox" and was made by jerse, formally known as jerse1. with a staff and developing team with a "high" IQ. discord.gg/seasbg
This truly was a seas battlegrounds.
See Bagging is when a male sailor engages in vertical, backward, upside down sex with a smaller gymnastic female. It begin with the more typical cunnilingus position and as the female is satisfied she goes over the left or right should of the sailor, slowly inching down his back so he is careful to not let go. Eventually she is like the duffel bag thrown over his shoulder, but then she works her way through his buttocks, between his legs where she helps him to the point of satisfaction through oral maneuver.
"She was so impressed with the sailor's standing oral technique that she went over his shoulder and started Sea Bagging him.
When playing a game like sea of thieves or a similar pirate game and you tea bag another player at sea.
That random wouldn’t leave the game so I put my balls in his face till he left, sea bagging was the only way.