This school located in Franklin square. This school is the shittest school in Long Island. If you tell anyone you go here they look at you up and down and ask how you survive there. Most of the 7th-9th graders vape/ smoke weed. The seniors snort crack and other substances. The teachers either look like there ready to shoot themselfs or are high asf. Also full of homophobic racist white boys. Honestly Fuck this school is so bad
“You go to h frank carey?”
“That must suck”
A drunk persona of Frankenstein Dracula and Superman. Where someone is so drunk they walk like Frankenstein is a creature of the night like Dracula and thinks they are invincible like superman.
Yea he was a total Frank Dracman last night he was so drunk
When you have a UTI, and you pee on a women during intercourse.
I purposely get UTI’s so I can give girls and Frank Rigel
Hide in an attic with guns pointed at the only way up. Making sure to make some amount of noise when the house is searched.
Soldier 1: Were surrounded what do we do sergeant!
Soldier 2: I have a plan, Operation Anne Frank. It's perfect for exactly this scenario and literally no other imaginable scenario
frank doesn't support the top g
frank irons doesn't support the top g
(V) The Act of putting hot dog condiments on your dick and having a significant other lick it off.
I gave my girl a polish frank last night, and oh boy did she gobble it up.
An orgasm so intense that the fireworks in my brain went from bright gold to a Lisa Frank vintage 1980’s rainbow unicorn Trapper Keeper cover!
Neal: Holy fuck, Amy, why’d you stop sucking my dick and started laughing hysterically?
Amy: (between sobs of laughter) Because I just had a Lisa Frank Orgasm. It was the rainbow Unicorn! Mid 1980’s.