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smartie bar

the use of the phrase "smartie bar" over textual message, almost like a sweet nothing whispered into one's ear. both seductive and enticing, its the ulitimate way to hook yourself up with a bomb sophomore. only used while strongly under the influence of alcohol.

"no, tell me the cross streets so i can get a better idea. gosh, you smartie bar."

by Parsnipey. October 27, 2008

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bar juice

The residue that is left on your shoes after a night out (or feet if you're wearing sandals)

Man, that bar juice was thick last night. Shoes are done.

by krystalr June 3, 2017

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Sports Bar

Any Bar that has more than 3 TVs and caters to Patrons wanting to watch every single bit of sports action on every sport available .... They should also have AWESOME Wings... No Bar is a bar without WINGS! A good selection of Beer is a pre-requisite also!
Sidenote ... D.D Peckers is not a sports bar but they have AWESOME WINGS!!

Person 1 )I am going to a Sports Bar to watch Sports and eat WINGS!
Person 2 ) Yeah lets go to D.D. Peckers...

Person 1 ) C'mon man .... That's not a Sports Bar but the Wings are good !
Person 2 ) Ok. Ok .... Lets go to Carolina Ale House Instead.

Person 1 ) NOW you're talking .. Lets go!

by LicorShot January 4, 2014

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Johnson Bar

a fictitious car part that, when broken, can generate sympathy and possible cash from an unsuspecting parent.

"Mom, my the Johnson Bar on my VW broke and I need $50.00"

"I'm broke and need some money to replace the Johnson Bar on my car...can I borrow $50.00?

by Norcalgal January 4, 2013

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Prison Bars

To shoot straight lines of semen across a females face resembling prison bars

I want you to shoot that hot cum across my face like some prison bars

by jjstapes April 5, 2015

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condo bar

term used within the barista/coffee house inner cirlces to refer to that counter where customers pepper their coffee beverages to their personal liking with various coffee/espresso condiments, i.e.: milk, cinnamon powder, sweet & low.

ugghhhh. i'll be right back, i gotta go mop up that mess. that little kid just exploded his mother's 1/2 decaf double tall soy no foam latte all over the condo bar, and he just slipped in the puddle.

by barista April 17, 2008

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Bar Fu

The art of drunken bar hopping

"Hey man it's Saturday night, I'm gonna go jerk off all over you're moms face then practice Bar Fu"

by JB-----n June 1, 2009

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