Guy that uses women for sex and does not have a healthy respect for them or himself. He's trying to prove he's a man. A loses who lies to women about his relationship status. Worse if he's in a long term relationship. Fake wanna be porn star and pimp
Yo hank Goodwin is a real man whore
Man who gets with anything that walks. May lie to you, will probably try to fuck your friends.
See also: Chris
A boy who makes out with an innocent girl then two night later gives another girl a butt massage
I heard Cole gave Hailey a butt massage two days after he made out with Shelby. He's such a man whore
A man who is interested in women and are dirty gronks
he is a man whore look at him
In an odd numbered circle jerk, it is the man responsible for two other participants and any choreography or direction changes which are dictated by the experience level of the group.
Carl going to be the pivot man, he drew the short straw, so he's workin' 2.
When Donald Trunk staples a Squirrel to his head for his latest hair do. Squirrel Mange comes to life
The Donald or Squirrel Man is showing off his latest Squirrel Mange hair do to all the voters
To go around the bar and poor all the leftover drinks into one cup, a deadly cocktail.
"I saw that homless guy in the bar last week, he mixed himself a poor man's drink"