A turn of phrase meant to insult either yourself or others for their foolishness or stupidity to the point of it seeming as if there brain is leaking out of their own skull, hence brain drain
A friend that is ordinarily quite adept at chess, horribly blunders an obvious play, the only possible explanation being a severe brain drain at the time.
Hungario: The pawn was adjacent to your queen, there want even any threat of taking it, what happened?
Klempt: My bad, serious case of Brain Drain over here i guess.
A phase for police in Hong Kong to use. Police use this phase to reply foreigner if foreigner asks police question with english or other non-chinese language. Using this phase allows police to get away from the conversation.
Hong Kong police ; 'Hey! You there! Who are you?'
Foreign Press : 'My name is Brian, wht's the problem?'
Hong Kong police : 'Brain Problem?'
Foreign Press : '???'
Hong Kong police : '???'
Conversation end
Used to describe someone who has lost the ability to think or seemingly without a working brain. Could also describe herd thinking (another word to add) or cult members who no longer think for themselves.
Homer doesn't think anymore... no, he has a vestigial brain.
Brain Smoothie (noun):
A slang term used to describe a lobotomy, a surgical procedure that involves removing or damaging parts of the brain in order to treat mental illness or behavioral disorders. The term "brain smoothie" emphasizes the idea that the procedure turns the brain into a blended, mushy texture, similar to a fruit smoothie.
Example usage:
"I can't believe they gave Loreen a brain smoothie just because she had a few mood swings. That's way too extreme of a treatment!"
A moment when all thoughts pause, and you forget what you’re saying or you’re tryna think.
“Yea so as I was sa- wait... my brain just paused”
“It gonna be a while, his brain paused”
When a person has been awake for too many days on meth and they can no longer can form proper sentences, words get jumbled up and you get tongue tied. Your thought process is slim to none causing you to say things without thinking, focusing and concentrating are unrealistic goals, and your memory is completely shot. Usually a sign it's time to put the meth down and go the fuck to sleep.
"Damn dude Jessica's really got meth brain today doesn't she?"
"Yeah she's gotta lay off the meth for a while"