There are so many young people on the Internet now that it's filled with incorrect information about this. j/c has ALWAYS originally meant "just curious," dating way back to even the early 90s or before.
Did you ever make it to meet Mike at the restaurant the other night? J/c
C salt is the third type of assault.
First, there is general “assault.”
The second type is B salt. Simply, it is the odd occasion when a Bee flies up ones shirt to sting them.
Then C salt; this is assault done on the sea or a large body of water. Typically it is on a yacht, and involves some sort of flotation device. It is more frequent than B salting, but less frequent than general assault.
Stands for Cadet Airman Basic, the first grade in AFJROTC, AFROTC, and Civil Air Patrol.
sound cloud rapper who has an almost homo-erotic love for other sound cloud rapper turned gang member "young 24".
you will often see Justin c hold a picture of young 24 in one hand, a picture of mister twinkey in the other and his dick in your mom
listen to this new justin c. track, his bars are tight
A generation of complainers, not doers.
Generation C is a bunch of complaining socialists and moochers
An age group encompassing those born to those reaching adulthood during the COVID-19 pandemic. People born between 2000 and 2021.
Their worldview, their attitudes and their temperaments were shaped by the demands, constraints and pressures of the pandemic. Whether undergoing home-schooling from a masked parent or a teacher on Zoom, or facing severely diminished job prospects, they comprised Generation C.