To chop the meat is an action that takes place during a concert or while listening to music.
Place your inside hand on the subject's arm for starters. Begin the chopping motion on the subject's arm (not to hard)with your outside hand just below your "holding hand". Now move your "chopper" down the subject's arm slowly while chopping at a moderate to fast pace (keeping with the beat of the music).
Sold by a Sexy Trumpet Boi from Portsmouth west Schools.
I Bought some brass chops beard oil to help my beard
slang from Union, Nj meaning stop and chill or relax.
"chop feazy bro, you need to chill"
Jeff: yo where was u at man?
Beff: I was chopping the lawn dude.
Ones way of saying stop giving me crap,
example- “Hey josh, stop busting my chops”
Jonathan Fleck to Joshua Carter, Hey dude! Stop busting my chops! Professional Chop Buster
When you swallow a pair of bollocks and they get stuck down either side of your cheeks
So I was seeing this guy and now I have bollock chops
What Lorena Bobbitt did to John Bobbitt.
Lorena Bobbitt gave John Bobbitt the lamb chop for thinking he was a bigger prick than everybody else.