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Full Send Friday

A Full Send Friday is the pinnacle of all Fridays.

All Full Send Friday's must begin with an inaugural shotgun. All participants who shall be Full Sending must shotgun a beer in 3 seconds or less. Activities include being belligerent, drinking for over 5 hours straight and getting the cops called on you.

Recommended drinks include 9Loko, Kentucky Gentleman and of course some Steel Reserve 40s.

Guy 1: I fucking hate my life bro. My girlfriend left me and I lost my job.

Guy 2: Shit bro, good thing it's Thursday.

Guy 1: Wait does that mean tomorrow's a Full Send Friday?

Guy 2: Well it sure as hell ain't some Quarter Send Friday!

by Migdal Kadanoff May 17, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

full body massage

A legal way to advertise a massage which ends with the man receiving a hand job.

A full body massage costs 40 dollars for half an hour.

by left4ded April 13, 2005

355๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

full metal alchemist

Full Metal Alchemist is one of the best anime to come out in this generation with great charcaters one of the best plots ive ever seen and a great mix. of Humor, Action, Science fiction and loads of other stuff. Not saying that Inu-Yasha is bad but FMA is proboly going to be #1 for a while. This is what anime should be.

Human Kind cannot gain anything without giving something in return

To obtain something of equal value must be lost

This is Alchemys first law of Equvulant Exchange

In those days we really tought for that to be the worlds one and only truth

by Kyle C. June 20, 2005

147๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

full of hot air

When someone is said to be โ€œfull of hot air,โ€ it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand or does not know.

He talks so much about nothing, He's just "full of hot air"

by NikkiFoster August 16, 2008

72๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

full metal jacket

The single best piece of entertainment ever fucking created, Full Metal Jacket is the Jesus of badassness. It includes such badass stuff as the U.S. Marines, ten minutes of the best chewing out known to the civilized world, machine guns, Ak-47s, M-16, hookers, R. Lee Ermey,and lots of stuff blowing up, all in one movie.

Full Metal Jacket takes shits tougher than all other war movies combined.

by haji killa January 13, 2008

280๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

binders full of women

A place Mitt Romney keeps all the women who work for him.

"Jeeves, be a chum and hand me one of my binders full of women."

by Nick E. Fresh October 17, 2012

422๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

full metal alchemist

An excellent show with an original plot and endearing characters. Even though the pacing suffers in the second half, this show is a pioneering anime that blends humor, legend, and characterization to produce a true anime classic.

Regarding the ridiculous flame war between Inu Yasha fans and FMA fans:

Inu Yasha is funny and somewhat interesting, but it suffers from horrible pacing, pointless filler episodes, and jaded anime hallmarks that wear out quickly. FMA may have a few scattered cliches, but it never slows down as a series.

Hey, at least it ended.

Hagaren is an exciting new anime from Hiromu Arakawa.

by anonymous May 10, 2005

408๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž