We’ve all seen horny users on the internet say “would” to a females picture . Ive combined landing a woman, woodland & wood (would & slong wood) together. Typed “Wood 🪵 Land” “ I wood 🪵 land that” ***** The wood emoji must always be used.
(Attractive female posts picture) “Wood 🪵 Land” “I wood 🪵 land that”
The destruction of a womens vagina due to having to much sex
Hey dude I am totally going to reck the girl.
Dude to late she has been salting the land for awhile
Damn on to the next chick
It’s basically like get out the closet but for lesbian people
Come out from under the land
A land where all people considered as jokes live an example of the people living there are josh and basmeet
Josh are you from jokeman land josh - no this is clearly a denial of his jokeman status however cannot be applied to basmeet because he is the jokeman and is as fat as a land
Any old.abandoned site. To include amusement parks.abandoned malls
In some cases even entire neighborhoods. Times beach.mo. would be an example of this.
I went to the abandoned rock a holla water park in newberry springs (ca) definitely defuncted land!
When two boob that are bare or without a bra touch each other
boob landing is when your boobs touch without a bra
A flying land squid is a mythological creature of epic preportions that travels in a pocket of pure oxygen giving it the apperence of "flying". it's origins are widely unknown but it is belived to be the work of two stoned highschool boys. One thing that can not be argued with is the sise of this fictionary giant, its tentical can be the length and thickness of up to three school busses! They have been known to, in an insane rage, tear the roof's off of schools devouring all in its path. Only one has ever been recorded and it is bealived to be imortal with no preditors or ways of killing it. These mamoths are so fierce and powerful that they are the only thing that legend CHUCK NORRIS is actualy afraid of.
"dude I was so baked last night i looked out of my window and i swear a flying land squid drifted by!"
"Dude no way! You to!"