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Long Island, NY

Okay, the people who said all those negative things on Long Island is, one word: WRONG.

I'm not saying Long Island is all that, not at all. It's the southeastern part of NY, so no, it's not upstate, or NYC. I wouldn't have to say this, but just in case you don't know your geography. Nassau and Suffolk counties are pretty much what makes up the official Long Island region. It's a homeland to many famous celebrities you probably wouldn't expect of used to live or currently still live here. The Hamptons and the beaches are so beautiful and a place you wouldn't want to forget. Schools are amazing and are often known for it's prestigious honor in certain subjects or departments of strength. People... are just people everywhere else, they can be nice, generous, or a complete and total fag. No places are considered "ghetto" here.. Really. But there are some towns that consist of constant robberies, bad schools and just an awful reputation in general. There's a difference, though, between North Shore and South Shore. To my opinion, North Shore is a billion times better based on the environment - better for a lifestyle while the South Shore is.. A better place to chill in the summer. If you love NYC but hate living in the crowded places, Long Island is a great place to start. Distance runs from 20 minutes to about an hour and a half when using any type of transportation. Don't walk, you'll never get there.

Long Island, NY is your kinda place

by AnonUserx51 October 17, 2011

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Prince Edward Island

little PEI, barely a province. nobody lives here. nice scenery but not much else. most tourists come here on a day trip to see anne of green gables, the province's claim to fame, then leave. but they do have a sweet bridge.

prince edward island, huh?

by Provincial Mood December 14, 2007

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South Island School

A school with people in it, no drugs (I think), and no innapropriate behaviour (i think)

weee woooo South Island School

by suppadoge@ October 8, 2020

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Battle For Dream Island

Battle For Dream Island (BFDI for short) is an animated web series on YouTube made by Michael Yiming Huang featuring animate objects compete for an island called "Dream Island." There are 5 series (BFDI, BFDIA, IDFB, BFB, TPOT), 1 of them is currently ongoing (The power of two). It is the first animated object show.

"My favorite web series is Battle For Dream Island."

by level20_XD December 12, 2022

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Staten Island Stinker

When you leave a reeking fart just before exiting a subway car, so that the doors close and lock the victims inside with the smell.

I left a beautiful Staten Island Stinker on the 6-train this morning. I think I might have killed someone's poodle.

by subwayfarter April 4, 2011

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long Island sausage

A girthy meat rod that belongs to a Strong Islander

" Darla said that we were out of sausage, and I told her that I got plenty a Long Island sausage right here!"

by Ronno Deluxe October 23, 2013

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Rhode Island Roulette

the act of smoking a cigarette to the filter and seeing if the ember falls onto you.

john: how'd you get that burn?
zeek: i was playing Rhode Island Roulette

by booboo____kittyfuck November 20, 2011

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