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Austin Bangs

One of the Two half-prophets of Chungus. Chungus used him and the other half prophet to reveal the 10 Chungus commandments. According to the Chungusanian Bible, the year 2020 A.D will be the year of the his crucifixion.


Guy 1:"Bro I heard Austin Bangs just had another Vision"
Guy 2:"I wonder if it was another chungus commandment?"

by maestrogeicho January 8, 2020

test bang

When you opportunistically have sex with someone right after they test negative for COVID; for peace of mind.

"I really believe in social distancing so I only test bang girls"
"Don't worry guys, it was a test bang"

by riotrooper February 4, 2021

Bang Boomin

Can be used in any context imaginable. Meaning any phrase or addition to any one word or phrase to exacerbate or attenuate it or to boost the importance or effect of any word or action or phrase by.. "bang boomin"

Last week I got gas at gas stop and the gas prices were bang boomin! So I went to cheap gas station and got a better price and it was so bang boomin I filled up my tank!


set bangs

To give someone a huge amount of punches.

Daniel "Did you set bangs?"
Michael " Yeah man, I set a bang and he went crying."

by StupidGuy345 June 27, 2017

bang reaction

A Bang Reaction is a sequence of successive hookups, or bangs, caused by one couple hearing the sexual ruckus of another couple, leading to a series of people going to pound town throughout the house.

Man, did you see what happened in our house last night, Mike and Lucy caused a bang reaction that got me laid, and my other 3 roommates. Thanks Mike!

by Bang_Reaction August 5, 2014

bang shop

Brothel, place where people have sex. Not always paying for sex but place people have lots of none-committal sex.

During the summer he made this place into a bang shop.

by scipioil December 5, 2013

Thunder Bang

Its when you fuck someone so hard, that the impact of your bodies against each others makes a loud thunderous sound

Timmy: Suzy and I thunder banged last night and the neighbors got freaked out, they thought there was a storm coming.

by Voidaid February 19, 2016