Source Code

Jew pool

When a flock of Jews flee from a area. Looks like a wave but made from jews

"At the bar the Jews got scared, grabbed their coins, formed a Jew pool and flew off."

by Tittyspanker47 January 23, 2017

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jew in a jeep

A state of shock

"Jew in a jeep that scared me"
"Jew in a jeep that's a nice arse"

by porterjay November 24, 2014

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Glazed jew

Glazed jew- has many meanings
1- a Jewish person oiled up
2- a rich Jewish person
3-a sweaty Jewish person
4- a Jewish person dressed nicely

James- God damn that glazed jew over there got on some j's
Paul- and he is sweating
Both at same time- triple glazed

by harborridge troll June 27, 2016

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Stale Jew

A comedic Jewish performer or writer that makes a ton of money. When their career goes south, they're no longer useful and are now called the "Stale Jew."

Chandler: Why is that guy picking up a penny?
Elliott: He needs money. He no longer has a career and is just a stale jew.

by Benqueedo Man October 21, 2016

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felix the jew

someone with a tiny cock and pubes on his head

wow that guys felix the jew has a tiny cock!

by nan muncher May 13, 2015

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Jew Strike

A bowling reference for a frame in which a gutter ball is thrown first and the bowler proceeds to pick up the spare.

Did you see the way Gary picked up all 10 pins for that spare?! Classic Jew Strike!

by GiveMeBowlingOrGiveMeDeath March 9, 2017

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Jew dad

A Jew dad is a stubborn asshead who only gets his kids things if they are an absolute necessity. However, he buys many very expensive things that he doesn’t need for himself. A Jew dad is also usually very stubborn. For example, a kid will ask his Jew dad to drive down the block. His dad will then say no and continue to interrupt his argument with no

Kid: Hey dad can I get some socks?
Jew dad: No you have plenty of socks
β€œJust liste-β€œ
β€œGod damnit I said no”

by Mcchocherpants April 12, 2019

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