When you're thinking of sweet things.
Man I walked into that candy shop and I got honey on my mind.
The practice of having so weird thoughts that it is genuinely fucked up
(i.e: Kedi)
Kedi has a fucked up mind
where you mind fuck someone so badly that it becomes frustrating to the victim over a long period of time after the mind fucking has occured
*James* i wanted to talk to u about something that mattered to me, dw about it then, bye
*Morgan* tell me!
*James*i can tell ur going to be there for me when i need u hey? :|
*Morgan*whats wrong?
*Morgan* :|
Morgan has received Mind Crabs!
having difficulty deciphering a phrase or text that can lead to frustration.
"It's mind botling with what you just said, I don't understand what angle your coming from"
You are very smart!
(Used when you think someone is smarter than you, or somebody else)
Teacher:what is 4+6? Um Layla
Layla: I don't know
Teacher: candela do you know?
Candela: 10
Other Student: good job candela you have wits mind!
a phrase someone used when they're going insane,
i wanna dive in a pool 9 miles up in the sky!
Are you out of your mind!?
For some odd reason I cannot bring my mind to do Mathematics. I’m an INTJ and my mind keeps blowing out those two functions. It’s involuntarily/subconsciously trying to block out the information that I am learning. Very frustrating.
Jews, you got any help? I’m on ADHD medication and it works only a little It’s almost like I have a mental block. I think I need my Klonopin back?
My mind keeps ignoring Introverted Thinking and Extraverted Intuition