You will never be the body type 2 of nachos
Its laughable that you think you are a cheese on chips but really you are just nachos
Song sung by... Hold on, not song. ART sung by... Hold on, not sung... Art GURGLED by artist Toby Smiles. It is also their nickname for the Java Chip drink at Starbucks. They often drool into it, providing a more complex and deeper flavor. Sometimes used instead of using Toby Smiles.
Friend: Yo whos your favorite artist?
1. A soft bun or bread spread (usually thickly) with margarine with hot chips and sauce inside.
2. A chip butty served with margarine instead of butter
Customer: Can I have a chip butty?
Clerk: We have no butter, is a chip margie ok?
A chip so godly that it can't be explained.
An unstoppable chip often taken near the corner line of the box that has the keepers life and is gauranteed to go in if taken by the footballing legend Dylan Carter.
"Going to do a Carter Chip"- person 1
"Go for it, no one's stopping that"- person 2
Close friend. Your main man, even more than a homie.
Yo home chip you reckon we should go out tonight?
To add aome sugar to a boring situation and make it fun.
I was waiting for a meeting yesterday and while I was waiting I had to be in this room coleyeley separate from the rest of the office in a scary and abandoned office place. So I decided to put on a play for everyone else waiting too. We all had so much of a chip of fun!