When your don’t want to put any energy towards what ever you’re talking about, and you don’t not wanna do it
but you just would want experience it to see what it’s like
Startheprophet - “the bitch kinda bad huh”
50Kjoyboy -“ yea tbh I’m tryna see what that shits like”
A phrase often muttered when Subway or fast food burger joints become the better alternative for a previously planned meal.
After contemplating his hot buttered bugar hamster sandwich glued together and spray painted black, the guy threw it away saying "I have to see a man about a sandwich".
Like from your phone you aren’t living life truly just watching as it goes by, live every moment
Seeing the world out of little window that makes me feel unreal sad
1. When you leave someone after a good time and you know you're bound to see them again
2. When someone just pissed you off and you need to walk away
I'll see y'all tomorrow and as we always say...see you around...or not.
You get nothing else for me so see you around...or not.
I planted seeds under my HAIRY ARMPITS! My HAIRY ARMPITS have sweat water and grow in the sun. Avocado plants form and I automatically grow avocados through my HAIRY ARMPITS!
Come see my hairy armpits. I squeeze sweat from my armpits into my mountain dew. Then I dip triple cheese doritos in the sweaty mtn dew and eat like a pig. Oh the triple cheese doritos have bacon products in them. I am now a pig and cannibal. Oh crap. Oh *******************************************!
When your getting a blowjob from your partner while they stick their finger in your butthole causing your hips to drive forward and backward, thus driving deeper into their mouth and their finger deeper into your anus
Bro! Last night when I was getting a blowy…my girl stuck her finger in my ass and It made me thrust forward and it deep throated her! She kept doing it and we straight turned into a See-Saw!
When one wipes his/her/their ass back and forth vigorously after taking a shit, creating a sort of mud slide in one’s ass crack. This often leaves a smudge of poop on the edge of the toilet bowl, as well as in your underwear.
My roommate won’t stop doing the see-saw and leaving shit on the toilet seat