An actual gay fag with the personality of a cunt. A skinny bastard who looks like Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas and watches an unhealthy amount of hentai
Damn he's a cunt, he must be a logan
Passing out drunk in a bathroom/toilet/en-suite with just your feet sticking out of the doorway.
“Where’s Chris?”
“Oh he went upstairs about half an hour ago looking extremely squiffy, he must’ve done a Logan”
A sweet guy, very charming, hot, Strong. Bery kind sweet and funny he’s the best expect he likes sex but that’s okay
Logan loves sex
Ik but he’s so sweet
Imma fuck him anyway
Have you ever met a cold blooded mammal… you have now
Wow that guy is being such a Logan right now, look at him getting all these numbers at the bar!
Logan Is A SillyGoose. He Is Also A SillyThot. He Likes Chewing On Pencils And Then Sharpening Them. He Might Eat You An Animal Cracker, But He Might Just Use It As A Book?
Logan Is A SillyThot?