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(n). the act of stalking someone on-line

(v). stalking someone on-line

(n). I am going to conduct some e-spionage on Facebook, in order to find out what my ex is up to.

(v). I don't know too much about her, so I guess I'll have to e-spionage her and all of her friends.

by NavyAv8er April 28, 2009

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E-Friends, a group of friends who have met over the internets. See: www.rshl.org

Hello my E-FRIENDS, is it time to unite?

by ei November 16, 2004

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

kaitlin e.

i love kaitlin, i have a 4 foot shrine of her in my closet...i obsess over her soo much i dont think its healthy

Kaitlin is beautiful i wish i looked like her

by you wish u knew me February 6, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


a hyphy bay area rapper that is the shit.

everyone that is cool, and hyphy knows that E-40 is bombbb

by jessicaisbomb March 18, 2008

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The art of convincing people over the internet how cool you are. E-flexing is mostly done by E-tards and hobo's with broadband.

Dude, I'm gonna e-flex you so bad, I would so kick your ass! And I'm certain about it even though I've never saw you, also its good that I will never see you, as it would most probably mean I'd get my fat nerdy ass kicked.

by Tudor Hansson April 3, 2006

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E dawg

an E dawg is somone drives a roflcopter and shoots lolRockets at people with moles or ants on thier cheek , she likes alot of scran , carnt give E dawg enouf scran , when you do she goes crazy , if you mention guitares she will piddle , everywere , flood the music block (what block) . she runs around like a jamamgie and screams *i wov gwuitares* she is normally friends with a hippy . who has no knees , yes you heard me ,,, no knees

i saw E dawg today , she was licking some scran off a wall

by T dawg . muchin that scran April 24, 2009

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1. verb. To annoy, electronically or by web-based means
2. -ing, adj. A person who is in the practice of electronically annoying others.

1. Man, all those friggin emoticons in her name e-nnoy the fuck outta me!
2. Man, that fucking MySpace whore is e-nnoying!

by FrustratedCoder December 5, 2006

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