Source Code

human lightning bug

When someone inserts a glows tick into their anus and presents it to a crowd for viewing.

Me and my mates were out camping and Rob turned himself into a human lightning bug without anyone asking.

by Anicken July 13, 2018

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Human question mark

As to question whether or not you are all ears to a person of authority, or to question someone's intelligence.

Good phrase for use in the Military to lower ranks.

Sgt: Fall in privates!

Pvt: (wanders around aimlessly)

Sgt: What the hell are you doing private? Fall in...you human question mark.

by Owen Uttley July 16, 2006

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I'm only human

An excuse for irrational behavior. An attempt to feel ok about something that you " know" is not ok.

I know it was wrong to do that, but I'm only human.

by gentleone March 29, 2022

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Humanities Faggot Trap

The process of naming a subject or action based on ridiculous motives or arbitrary guidelines.

The idea of Urban Dictionary is a giant Humanities Faggot Trap.

by My roommate is soulless November 23, 2009

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human urban dictionary

When someone gets so bored,they do nothing but look at random definitions on urbandictionary.com to further increase their urban intellectualness.

Girl:Whats a wrapper taco?
Boy:When you eat multiple tacos over one wraper at taco bell and stuff all the fallen food into your face like it was its own taco.
Girl:dang,your like a human urban dictionary

by Mr.CottonCandy January 12, 2011

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1. Derogatory term used by nationalists often to describe African-Americans/Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Latinos, and many more ethnic groups.

(Person 1)Dipshit: ThIS PeRSOn iS a sUb-HuMAn
(Person 2)Normal Person: Hey nationalist dipshit, fug off!
(Person 3)Victim: .... Your one of the lowest of low lifes I have ever seen (Victim talking to Person 1)

by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 25, 2022

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Human E Brake

Also known as the Human Emergency Brake. Someone who takes the wind out of the proverbial sails. Found on any sort of conversation thread (Facebook, message boards, etc), they are the one who always has the last comment. This is because they abruptly bring the conversation to a screeching halt with boring, lame, unfunny, or inappropriate comments. Or because they are just generally disliked by others and nobody wants to engage them in further discussions.

We were having a funny conversation on my Facebook page and then Jonny, the Human E Brake, chimed in and the whole thread just died a miserable death.

by Jerry Hat Trick November 4, 2009

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