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Person 1; He Doesn't Like Doing It With A Jimmy

by Kayzz99 December 12, 2013

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Jimmy Riddle

The growing term used for a cigarette. Can be easily confused with the term for needing to urinate, but depending on body language can also mean demand for a fag.

Dave: "Oi Chris, giz a jimmy riddle"
Chris: "You're such a ponce Dave. Get your own f'ing deck"

by hon_bris September 10, 2009

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Giant Dick Jimmy

a tongue twister of an urban legend.

Giant Dick Jimmy drew out his giant Jackhammer and busted a nut inside a jack Rabbit and Swung out his 10 inch and said fuck me faster.

by fedorapandora3783 June 10, 2021

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Jimmy two Shits

Someone who after hearing one of your stories, gives a similar storie but with something added. Some one that always one-ups you or if you own something they will have a better model.

He's such a Jimmy two shits, he always goes one better than me.

by Chris Searle December 8, 2007

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late night jimmy

(leyt nahyt jim-ee)

1. A nocturnal request or negotiation made forthright with the sole purpose of consummating sexual pleasure.

2. Any person who solicits such a request, not exclusive to a stranger in a seedy location; the verbal contractee could be a significant other as well.

"Hey baby, wanna come back to my place for a late night jimmy?"

"My husband never does anything romantic anymore! All he wants is a late night jimmy."

by Dyslexicon March 28, 2010

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Jimmy Fallon Syndrome

When one realizes that they seem to be the only one that hates something or someone that everyone else loves, enjoys, or praises, because they still harbor memories of when said person or thing used to suck.

Person 1: "Everybody loves Robert Downey Jr. now & I just don't get it. I guess I'm stuck seeing him as the awful, trainwreck he was when he was younger."

Person 2: "Sounds like you've got Jimmy Fallon Syndrome."

by noSreanganOrm March 30, 2023

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Jimmy Eat World

An absolutely amazing band from Mesa, Arizona who broke into the mainstream scene of music in 2001 by releasing their album "Bleed American", which is probably the best, as well as the first true blend of Pop Punk and Emo, with some elements of Power Pop as well. "Bleed American" was followed by "Futures" in 2004 which was darker and almost better than it's predecessor. Before all of that they released "Clarity" in 1999 which was at first a commercial failure, but, has since gained cult status and is credited as a major influence on the Emo subgenre of music, being considered as the best Emo album ever by some critics. So basically, they're incredible.

Stop reading and go listen to Jimmy Eat World

by PostRock/PostHardcore January 7, 2017

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