Believing one's canned drink will be cold by feeling the temperature of the can, only to then taste the warm liquid inside. May be used as an acronym (ccs). Also applies to bottles (cbs).
Person 1: The beers seem cold enough to drink, do you want one?
Person 2: Nah, I just put them in the fridge, you must have cold can syndrome.
Damn, the can was so cold I coulda sworn this wouldn't be so warm and gross! CCS is the worst...
its like getting nervous before a fight and thinking about every possible thing that could go wrong.
Person 1: Dude , i got cold fight feet.
Person 2: eh, you'll be fine bro.
This is when you randomly call people you don't know on FB messenger like a fucking loser. This will not get you laid, this is cringey and pathetic.
This guy kept trying to Booty Cold Call my girl last night like a creep.
A vagina that is not warm after or during intercourse fills cold in tempter
This girl had a cold cut combo
The ass cheeks of a very large woman.
"when I was at the grocery store I saw a nice set of sloppy cold cuts"
A type of killing as defined by earlier Dutch (militia) settlers in Canada.
"Canadian Cold Shoulder" is when you sever either the right or left subclavian artery with a blade in the shoulder as you walk past the victim. Do to the rapid loss of blood, the body will decrease in temperature especially around the area of the wound. If the victim survives they will most definitely feel ice cold, hence the name "Canadian Cold Shoulder"
Lamens terms: stab victims shoulder while passing by, victim will bleed out & only see your back as you walk away, "Canadian Cold Shoulder"
(theres debate whether or not Dutch settlers used it against the aboriginals or if in fact it was a swift defence mechanism used against the settlers)
colombian necktie, canadian cold shoulder, cold shoulder, canadian shoulder pad,