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Privilege of the Living

The idea that people who are alive have more legal rights and protections and are often valued more socially by mainstream society and the government compared to people who are deceased.

People need to be more mindful of about the Privilege of the Living. Just because someone has died does not mean that they no longer have any value.

by Vanguard 1998 January 15, 2021

Live in my basement

A phrased used to demean or humble people that look down on you for no reason.

Originating from 30 year olds living in their parents basement because they thought they could get a masters degree. And it qualified them for any work they chose despite zero work experience.

Ex 1: Live in my basement Dickhead

Ex 2: They were like: oh yea, well I actually am getting my masters so that I be a lobbyist for NRA— oh but what about you… And I was like fuck you bitch, live in my basement- you dont know me from a can of paint!

by johnmichaelthethird September 17, 2023

Dream Lives Matter

An annoying "movement" that dreamsexuals use to try getting support for their pitiful little "sexuality." If you see someone saying this unironically, they are "dreamsexual."

Annoying dreamsexual: I'm starting a movement; the Dream Lives Matter movement! I'm selling t-shirts on Amazon Prime to support it!

All of Twitter: im gonna amazon prime your face to the pavement if i ever meet you

by Tekiku March 31, 2022

who decides to live their lives on the road

who decides to live their lives on the road

who decides to live their lives on the road

by April 28, 2022


"Liveing" is a term that refers to the act of pretending to be live or actively engaged in a livestream or online activity, especially on social media platforms, even though the individual is not actually broadcasting anything or doing anything noteworthy. It's often used to mock or make fun of people who try to appear interesting or entertaining online by pretending to be livestreaming their daily activities or experiences when they're not. Essentially, it's about someone acting as if they're constantly in the spotlight or trying to draw attention to themselves, even when they're not doing anything particularly interesting.

Despite nobody watching, Alex continued 'liveing' his mundane activities, much to the confusion of his friends.
Sarah's constant 'liveing' on social media made her seem desperate for attention rather than genuinely interesting.
Jake's attempt at 'liveing' during the concert fell flat when his phone battery died within minutes.
Emily's habit of 'liveing' while cooking dinner for herself often resulted in awkward and silent broadcasts.
The group of teenagers giggled as they watched their friend, Greg, 'liveing' while trying to impress his crush at the skate park.

by SamWalter February 23, 2024

living afterlife

Life after faking one's death. This can be done with or without a new identity. This is often done to escape one's current life. Anything that happens after that event is considered a living afterlife.

Synonyms: Living off the grid

I had to fake my own death, and now I can't go back man. It's like I'm in a living afterlife!

by rmj1001 October 18, 2018

If god had wanted you to live he would not have created me

A line said by soldier from Team Fortress 2 when he dominated an enemy

Enemy scout that was killed by soldier for the 3rd time: *Death scream*

Soldier: If god had wanted you to live he would not have created me!

by TheStolenCookie October 23, 2022