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Pocket Fruit

The shit thats at the bottom of your pocket, like the white fluff you get after washing your clothes with paper in them, loose baccy, crumbs & general life skank.

robin: (reaches into jeans) ewww, look at all this skank i just found
chloe: blud thats some serious pocket fruit

by robin & chloe ftw November 23, 2008

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Pocket Flounder

A flat, squishy, brownish penis

You see Nick's dick? Straight Pocket Flounder.

by dollaman45 January 8, 2013

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Pocket Crackers

Another term for condoms, used in reference to the the fact that you keep condoms in your pocket, and crack open the packaging. It also references the square shape that condom packages share with saltine crackers. Typically used in rural Pennsylvania.

Our late-night date was put to a halt when we realized I completely forgot to buy pocket crackers.

by ladyzoe December 27, 2016

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Panty Pocket

Synonym for a women’s delectable anatomy, ie vagina, pussy, kitty, sausage wallet, etc.

β€œHey babe, lemme slide into your panty pocket”

by NotSureWhereIParked May 15, 2021

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pocket weed

weed that you find in your pocket that you forgot was there

"i thought i was dry but i just found some pocket weed. let's go smoke this shit!"

by smokinmonkeybutts December 5, 2013

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Phipple Pocket

Vague. Nonspecific.

You can pretty much say that anyone doing anything is being "Phipple Pocket". What you're doing right now is really f-bombing Phipple Pocket of you. If you were doing the opposite of whatever you're doing now that would also happen to be very f-bombing Phipple Pocket of you.

(Phil driving his car) - What a Phipple Pocket that guy is!

(Quinn is wasted) - She is such a Phipple Pocket...

(Brian wearing khakis) - Do you see that Phipple Pocket over there?
Smack it, flip it, Phipple Pocket, oh no!

by Bizz-natch September 9, 2009

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puckle pockets

The smaller pocket inside of another pocket, usually used for change.

Excuse me, ma'am? Do hose jeans come with puckle pockets? No? No thanks then.

by doodahdoodoo July 26, 2008

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