On November 19th ask out your crush nervous or scared no matter what ask your crush out on November 19th “ Hey (Name) I like you and I just wanted to know if you want to go out (him/her) umm Yes/No”
National ask your crush out day means you should ask your crush out.
Ask your crush out on 28th July and she has to say yes
Boy Will go out with me
Girl yessss
Its National ask your crush out day shoot your shot
Hey, it's December 4th and you know what that means Ask them out
"Hey you wanna go out sometime?"
"Yes! I was just about to ask you because it's national ask your crush out day!."
september 3rd is national ask your crush out day don’t forget!
person:look who it is goooo
person: omg its my crush
person:you know what today is its national ask your crush out day GO SHOOT YOUR SHOT
anon: screaming out me arse
anon2: can i sniff it?
Created by a group located in Timmins which leads by almost being out of time to partie hard the night of
Yo we're Running out of time!!! On Snapchat Story
A form of verbal abuse with the intention to make the victim feel guilty. Like getting raped but it's actually justified you deserved it 100%. Worse is the dilemma you get put into between dismissing it and making yourself look worse than before or giving in to their twisted perception and making yourself look weak-minded. The worst verbal abuse in existence. Bar none.
A: I did a harmless thing only to get a call-out on it for being "rude". Not only that, when I objected, even more people started calling me out on it and made me feel guilty over nothing. It felt far more burdensome than when some random stranger called me a racial slur. Because it's not like I deserved that.