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- is the pre and post discharge when performing a sexual act.
- Occurs mostly in females than males

- Also the extra butter added to movie theater popcorn

- "She butter-squirts before I can even get a chance to get in"

by Urban_Sex April 21, 2011

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Black Butter

It is the Dark butter-like substance that accumulates on the taint and in the asscrack when one has not showered in a long time. It is a combination of sweat, some fecal matter perhaps, and lord only knows what else. It smells like the death of joy, and is the leading cause of swamp-ass. It is disgusting.

Rob: Did you hear that Joe has Black Butter?
Aric: Ew, he better deal with that before it turns into Swamp ass

by Sketchy-gay January 18, 2011

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fart butter

When someone rips a gnarly fart, and it's so thick in the air, that you can cut it like butter. Fart butter is the suggested topping for an air biscuit.

(andy)What the fuck is that smell?

(dick)I don't know what you're talking about.

(andy)Dude, you dropped some serious fart butter in here.

(dick)I don't smell anything; it must be the sewer again.

(andy)Whatever, I'm going outside

by kurtwasright March 6, 2011

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Buttering the Gnar

When a trick, mostly in snowboarding, is pulled off perfectly.

Nick is really buttering the gnar on his boardslides tonight.

by Josh Free December 2, 2007

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Butter Dog

A dog, or canine animal of any sort, that has butter or margarine somewhere on its body, usually the head.

โ€œLook at that Butter Dog, Dog with the Butterโ€

by wormsins November 26, 2020

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Bunsen Butter

The lubricant used to have anal sex. Unlike most, this lubricant is edible and tastes great. Bunsen butter light is low in trans fatty acids, calories, and is part of a well balanced diet.

Bunsen butter is the only lubricant my wife and I can eat and have hours of lubricated anal sex with.

A healthy low carb alternative is "I can't believe it's not bunsen butter light"

by Symore October 28, 2006

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buttering the cat

When an ableist tries so hard to help but instead just makes people sick.

She didn't need your help, man, you're just buttering the cat!

by Bay Grrl December 22, 2021

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