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People who suck their own dick (penis)

Jacky the emo sucked his own dick again last night

by Master1234567890 July 19, 2008

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A fag who wants attention, true some girls are hot but mostly they have small petite breasts, they also have low self-esteem which makes it easier than normal girls to manipulate. Common side effects equal depression, moaning writing gay ass songs which will never get you anywhere other than the local bar.

Here's an example of an Emo: Paulyheartcore: shes constantly been raped since she was 6 and her mum is a heroin addict her dad used to rape her and her sistrer but he dies from cancer. shes tried to kill her self so many times. she says im the on;y thing keeping her alive and it cuts me pretty fucking deep to know that. it took her 3 years of knowing me to tell me that

I would lol @ him irl

by The4th1 April 30, 2008

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v. Used when pwning TPhaggerK, or Jacob.

Jacob: im too cool for you internet people
son of muggo: *emos*

by i eat babies February 12, 2005

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Emotional person or attention seeker. The generalisation that has come to the "emo" society is stupid, they have no clue how to create there own style and have fun, they slot in nicely with the million others. Allthough the name is stupid the steriotype is completely reasonable. Most people are just trying to get along with thier lives and do it there own way, it is hard when every catagory of personality is steriotyped, people cant be who they want anymore. We need to cut everyone some slack and stop the deprecation.

emmo people are dressed in black with a splash of white. emo people have radical and crazy hair cuts.

by James Lowafle August 7, 2007

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Wondering what an emo is? simply picture this... a teenager aged from 12 to 17 (usually look about 7-9) who have either black, red, purple or other weird colour of hair, usually in a slanted 45 degree angle across the face who actually enjoy reading depressing poetry, hating life, wearing black and stripy clothes(kind of copying moshers), standing completely still at gigs and forming bands with no sense of rhythm or originality. Also, women emo's sometimes aspire to look like a man as to seriously embarrass anyone meeting them who can't figure out what sex they are... they tend to only hang around with other emos or try to hang around with moshers and hate anybody who does not see the world through their selfish, ungrateful pussy eyes.

P.S. Be carefull, if encountering emo or listening to emo conversation cover your ears and run as they usually enjoy pointless unfunny randomness which to us sounds like the insane ramblings of a mental patient who quickly realized that boiling water is hot. But to them it serves as almost a complex second language in which they can have in depth conversations about how much they hate being like others that's why they're emos and how those africans are all starving like dirty conformists.

emo boy: hey there monkey fish

emo girl: Nola my funky sadnessfriend

emo boy: I've got 2 tickets to go see slit my wrists mass dyeing suicide would you like to go caeser chicken salad face?

emo girl: sure i've had the urge to stand around for 2 hours completely still listening to music that sounds like all the other bullshit bands i like.

emo boy: thats good then maybe afterwards we can read some poetry and make sure we look and smell the same as all the other non-conforming emos

emo girl: that sounds awesome gorilla banana Julius

emo boy:fishmonger boats horizon

(carries on in endless loop until one needs to top up on eyeliner)

by Toobs March 15, 2008

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noun: A genre of music/lifestyle mostly conformed by white, middle-class teens and characterized by a fixation on Tim Burton's movies/characters, skin-tight black clothing, self-pity, really bad poetry, and lots of crying.

adj.: A whimpy, melodramatic, and fashionably overconcerned teen who pretends he/she is the ONLY one with problems and love to complain about how bad his/her suburban life is, thinking that PITY, not character and personality, is the way to attract the opposite sex.

EMO GUY #1: unenthusiasticlly ...like, today I tried on my little sister's jeans and they look sooooo much better on me. I am soooo gonna wear them to the next 30 Seconds To Mars concert...
EMO GUY #2: Oh my gosh, I know! Last week my stupid, comformist, fascist parentals caught me with my sister's jeans too and they grounded me for the whole weekend and I couldn't get my hair done like that guy from AFI! I mean, goshhh!! How much must I take?! I hate my life so much!! *cries*
EMO GUY #1: unenthusiasticlly Dude, I know, its like... nobody gets me either. I am so sad, and depressed. My whole existance is so dark... I feel like I am so sensitive that I can feel all the sorrow of the wold piercing through my soul. I want to kill myself... *fixes his bangs looking at his reflexion on a Starbucks window*
EMO GUY #2: *sobing* Yeah, lets make out and then kill ourselves.

by jay-x April 23, 2008

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Someone that thinks there life is shit and they sometimes cut thereselves. They sometimes have there nose/lip peirced and have a fringe covering one eye. Boy emos usually have jet black hair.

Emo: Life sucks...im going to cut myself </3

by sarahxox October 3, 2006

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