A Machine That Not Only Pleases One's Grandma But Also Is A Grandmother Itself
My Grandma Machines Are So Wet.
Noun - slang
Machinery From Sweden.
Examples would be Volvo, Husqvarna and Stiga.
I decided to get a stihl although the swede machines give the krauts a run for their money.
A girl ties up a guy and while riding his penis cowgirl, tickles him to make him buck and squirm until she cums.
Guy 1 : "Dude, why weren't you at mu party last night?"
Guy 2: "Sorry, yesterday was my girlfriends birthday and she made me into a bucking washing machine all night. "
(Abstract/noun/adj/slg)- when you've spent so much of your life wasted on whiskey and alcoholic similes, you awaken one day to realize you are now 50 years old and your sweet children have grown to adulthood without your guidance or parental presence. No matter how bad you want to wind back the clock, the time machine has broken, and you are stuck in nightmare land.
Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Sam Fukkit stepped into the whiskey time-machine accelerator... and vanished. Oh boy.
Pedophilic rapists in lab coats calling themselves boylover nambla or doctor
Machete welding machine is not a human being
The act where a man/woman sticks a Popsicle up their lover's ass and lets it melt in there before bending down to drink it out of their ass, taking on the nature of a slush machine you would find at a 7-Eleven.
The AC was broken and it was sooo freaking hot, so Karli and I resorted to cooling each other off with the slush machine until the air conditioner repairman got here.
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When someone just can’t stop fapping…
Guy 1: *fap fap fap…*
Guy 2: Bruh? Get a room!
Guy 3: He’s been fapping for hours, I think we should leave and call the police…
*a few minutes later*
“This is the police! Put your hands up!”
Guy 1 proceeds to fap faster and faster…
“Holy fuck, he’s like a fap machine!”
*the police run away in fear of the imminent explosion…*