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Calli girl

A calli girl is a boy or girl who knows Jenn McAllister slaps and slays

I’m from Chicago but I’m still a calli girl

by Dirtylittlesecret.alyx January 24, 2019

111πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

flip a girl

When a group of males, commonly referred to as bros, has consensual sex with a girl consecutively one after another. Not to be confused with a threesome or gang bang. Successfully flipping a girl is bragged about and seen as a sign of masculinity of between young males.

Did you guys have Zoe over last weekend?!
Yea bro, we flipped her while her boyfriend waited out in the car.
Damn, I really want to flip a girl someday..

by nikswaggg October 7, 2011

111πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

talking to girls

Something that is really easy to do, yet guys complain how hard it is by telling themselves "oh she's way out of my league" or "she'll just reject me" To learn why these negative thoughts never get you anywhere see Elliot Rodger

Tips on how to talk to girls:

1.) Confidence is key, if you don't care what anyone else thinks you'll be great with the ladies
2.) Accept rejection, it happens and you move on to the next girl
3.) Maintain your hygiene and keep up your personal appearance daily
4.) The more you talk to girls, the better you get
5.) Realize that there will eventually be a girl that likes you and says "Yes" to your coffee date offer
6.) Be yourself and don't be desperate. Honesty is the best policy

Guy: I'm talking to girls
Friend: Nice! I wish i could do that
Guy: Yet it's easy, as NIKE says "Just Do It"
Friend: I should try that! Maybe i'll find a girlfriend!

by kingbeethey September 26, 2015

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Lululemon girl

Cool girl (or boy) who wears lululemon and flexes it. Usually gossips a lot

Look at that lululemon girl she’s probably very annoying

by skatergirl_8D April 12, 2019

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impossible girl

A girl who drives her man mad. Madly in love. She does the impossible and changes him for the better. She will always stay with the man who calls her this.

You are my impossible girl!

by I've changed January 22, 2014

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Dungeon Girl

A girl who sends or posts pictures of herself online, or via pxt but the photos are intentionally too dark to see her face or body properly giving the impression that she is unattractive and has taken the photos in a dungeon.

Richard: Oh man that girl just sent me another shit quality pxt

Nick (checks pxt) oh man she is a total Dungeon Girl!

by Nozzylicious Noz January 24, 2011

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When a straight girl finds another girl really attractive, but doesn't fancy them.

Akin to the male 'no-homo'.

I've got SUCH a huge girl-crush on Scarlett Johansson!

by Jillah September 16, 2011

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