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when some1 intterupts you when your on the phone, to ask, who it is you are talking to...greatly upseting you.

kg:(on the phone) "so i was saying to her.....

(interuption) sticky: "HEY WHO IS THAT??!!)

kg: (on the phone) gd!!!!....sry there was a interr-phone-tion

by KEGmurder December 10, 2010

tin can phone

When two guys are connected butt to butt bus double-ended dildo.

I walked in on my husband, Tim, and his buddy Eric pulling a tin can phone.

by Tcwilly June 22, 2020

Phone Fiddler (PF)

Phone Fiddler (PF) is someone who takes your cell phone without permission and changes the background on it, or resets settings, or adds random phone numbers, then returns it without telling you they have just messed with a part of your personal life.

Weena has a tendency of swiping someone's cell phone and with the camera taking random pictures, making one of them the background, then she adds random telephone numbers, then return the cell phone to where she got it, without telling the owner she is the culprit. It's almost like having someone go through your underwear drawer!! What a PF'er. Otherwise known as Phone Fiddler (PF).

by ZooglingCJ December 24, 2010

Reunion phone call

A special phone call made to remember old friends, penfriend, family and other folks.

A call made to remember all the folks you know when it's been a long time since you spoke to them.

Hope - B: Damn, it's been long time since I heard from my family and friends...

Cash hurt: Man, why don't you just make a reunion phone call to get through em...

by M. V Kalum July 3, 2018

Phone you up

1. To call someone on their landline.

2. To vigorously hit someone with the handle of a landline phone.

3 . To insert a phone into ones anus and it repeatedly β€œbutt dial” someone.

1. Jimmy said, β€œHey hoe, I will phone you up tomorrow at 4:20”, but i have no landline phone. DTF, WTF. 😟.

2. Timmy phoned me up all day Thursday when going to prison. I could hear the law say, β€œ Squat and cough” like it was in stereo.😲.

by BlondeSkurch May 20, 2019

always on your phone

A phrase usually used by a fuckwit

You're always on your phone, the other person replies with, you're a fuckwit

by ThermalThrottle June 16, 2017

Blessing His Phone

To Send Nudes to a man, Consent or not, You just Blessed His phone.

Tyrone- Hey Steve what happened??
Steve- Oh yeah sorry, My girl just Blessed My Phone bro
*steves gf tiffany just sent him a boob pic, therefore Blessing His Phone*

by dirty_hotwheels August 26, 2021