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The Allman Brothers Band

Great southern rock and blues band. Big hits included 'Ramblin' Man', 'Jessica', and 'Melissa'. Suffered a huge loss when slide guitar player Duane Allman was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1971.

Wow, have you heard the guitar work on 'Jessica'? The Allman Brothers Band kick ass, dude.

by Vandarr04 May 11, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Naked brothers band

A show about a bunch of faggy elementary school kids whos testicles haven"t dropped yet. The 8 yr old kids goes after an unfortunate 15 year old girl in the band and somehow gets her while the 10 year old goes after 17-18 year olds and can't figure out why he can"t get them. When an idiot parent lets there kid watch a show called NAKED BROTHERS band and they wonder why there kids grow up to be a homo. All i have to say to them is you morons its your own fault for letting your kids watch a show called the NAKED BROTHERS band!!

boy: Can i read this (holds up playboy magazine)
Parents: NO go watch TV the naked brothers band is on
boy: oh Boy!

*10 years later*

boy: Mom i'd like you to meet my boyfriend

by XXXhatemylifeXXX August 29, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers Fangirls

Stupid girls usually who are between 12-17 who worship and pray and dream of having sex with the Jonas Brothers. They are mindless bandwagon followers who can't spell argue or think of any reason to like the Jonas Brothers than their (lack of) looks. They are like zombies you can't kill legally.

"Oh god those Jonas Brothers fangirls just flamed me for not being a zombie and liking the JB

by AlisaGirl1990 August 23, 2009

111๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

An amazing boy band consisting on three talented brothers - Kevin , Joe and Nick Jonas. I've read alot of the other definitions saying negative things about them and its complete rubbish! They are not gay! They write there own songs! They are really talented! I love them and so do loads of other people!

the jonas brothers rock.

by Amz7xx September 14, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Naked Brothers Band

A band full of faggots who have no talent whatsoever. They are 12 year olds and in the show, they act like adults in adult situations. They think they rock and they fit into the music scene. They're really just a bunch of high-pitched fudge packers that squeal when they sing. They're Nickelodeon's exclusive band, kinda like that one slut, Hannah Montana, who is the Disney channel's band.

The members of the Naked Brothers Band have literally been caught naked together in their Hotel bed.

Listener: That's no suprise, I always knew they were homos.

by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007

971๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jonas Brothers

A talented group of 3 men Nick, 16 Joe, 20, and Kevin,21. They have 4 records and 2 of them have gone #1(A Little Bit Longer and Lines Vines and Trying Times).Most people like to make fun of them because they are on Disney or their style of clothing...but mostly these people are jealous because the Jonas Brothers are millionares before the age of 25 and they have had 3 sold out tours.... and the fuckers who make fun of them still live in their moms basement and masterbate at little girls riding their bikes past the window. if they wernt talented they never would of made it famous...and all the girls woulnt love them

Mark:The jonas Brothers suck
Carla: How old are you again they have had so much success trust me ur opinon isnt needed

by chicken67 August 1, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

my little brother

an individual that is always excessively loud and climbs on everything in sight. Not only does he have no sense of privacy, he steals all of your food and blames it on the dog.

omg my little brother is running around with his underwear on his head again...

by nicole*da*goat August 21, 2018

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž