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Come to my house or send poo

When you put your address on UD because you like men to randomly turn up to fuck or send me fecal matter in a bag through the post with an email address attached so you can receive a vid of me smearing it all over myself.

Come to my house or send poo

by Smelliebellie August 6, 2022

Come up/coming up

Acquire money or items that you can sell for money By stealing jacking or swooping from cars houses garages warehouses or job sites

Come up/coming up: acquiring items you can sell for money by stealing jacking or swooping.

Tonight I’m going car fishing to swoop some valuables to sell for cash so I can come up;

by Triple OG thief May 19, 2018

Come dump

Come dump is the same as cum dump but are trying too be secretly about it.

person 1: This is the come dump and go
person 2: sooooo the cum dump and go
person 1: yeah.........

by This.is.for.smite March 27, 2022

1👍 1👎

Food is coming out of my mouth

An exaggerative term used when a person has eaten large amounts of food and is more than just a bit full but very full and couldn't dare eat anything else.

Idiom; Refers to the exaggeration of when a person is so full that the stomach physically has no space left for the food to go and the food is piling back up the oesophagus and coming back out of the mouth and throat due to no physical place for the food to go. This is not a literal term but rather an exaggeration for being extremely full and unable to eat anything else.

Person 1: Hey, do you want this last piece of cake?
Person 2: No thanks, I've already had a massive pizza already and I'm so full that food is coming out of my mouth. No way can I eat anything else. But thanks anyway.

by LordJenal October 16, 2021

Come Bra

The art of giving a pearl necklace in bra form. Also see pearl necklace.

Awww honey you Gave me a come bra for our annaversary! Much better than that pearl necklace!!

by AutoCucumber August 25, 2022

Come Up

A come up is another way of calling someone pathetic

Hey man, did you see that Steve didn’t refill any of the bottles last night? He’s such a come up.

by TrueMeaning69 April 28, 2022

Come up

When a person steals some shit they are “coming up

Person: “Bro let’s come up at Burlington and make a profit on offer up”

by Ig-Codeinekxlla November 17, 2021