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dirty emma

dirty emma is a dirty girl. she loves to eat her nits on the daily with salt and pepper. a real treat for dinner because that’s all she can afford

did you see dirty emma a scranning her nits agian for dinner?

by cocou April 20, 2020

8πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Emma Chamberlain

Emma Chamberlain is one of the greatest youtubers out there. She can't live without coffee or chapstick. Emma is super sweet and super funny.

Emma Chamberlain is super sweet and funny and a great Youtuber.

by HeeehHi_26 December 6, 2018

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Emma Watson

Emma Watson is the actress best known for the Harry potter films. She is beautiful and one of the best role models in Hollywood alongside Taylor Swift. People who hate her are douchebag jealous morons.

See also beautiful and awesome role model.

Person: I hayyyet emma watsen!!!!!!
Other person: you dumbass, it is spelled Emma Watson. Stupidshit hater.

by Emmafanlove January 11, 2011

77πŸ‘ 613πŸ‘Ž

emma jewell

Emma jewell is a phrase used to describe a situation that is to tight or moist for you to handle, it is often used as a sex term

Hey this is getting a little emma jewell

by espererodefines April 13, 2017

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Emma Brooks

Prettiest girl alive

Guy 1: "do you know Emma Brooks?"
Guy 2:"oh you mean the prettiest girl alive? Yeah I did."

by Georgeth Floydeth January 25, 2022

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Emma Clarke

Usually a girl that suffers from extreme disabilities, ugly genes and annoying characteristics. If you meet anyone with this name avoid them at ALL costs.

β€œI met a girl called Emma Clarke, minutes later I blocked her on every social media and lived happily ever after”

by hahaloveyousis August 11, 2018

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Emma Holmes

A ginger who dates other gingers

Weird Random Girl: Yeah he's so Hot!
Emma Holmes: Yeah but he has blonde hair, I only get turned on by Gingers

by XxD34THK1LL3RxX March 26, 2010

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