When you insert an ice cube into your anus to create a cooling effect after a spicy bowel movement.
I really need a brown Alaska after that Nashville hot.
Boy:is that a cow?
Girl:no its Bayley Brown.
Boy2:bro that cow just growled at me.
Boy:oh that must be Baley Brown.
Brown pow is a term commonly used by mountain bikers, dirt bikers etc to describe the awesome riding conditions after a good rain. Rain in the summer or fall is to a mountain biker or dirt biker what fresh snow is to a snowboarder, skier or snowmobiler. Fresh snow makes a good powder day. Rain gives us "brown pow".
Now go send it!
It's raining! Gonna be some brown pow tomorrow! Who wants to go ride?
The act of farting in a confined space to the point in which it is unbearable to breathe in.
My co-worker and I Brown Boxed the truck so bad we were driving with our heads out the window .
When the Big Brown Phallic member of Big UPS descends from the Corporate Heaven takes time out of its day to specifically fuck you in the ass.
Similar to the Marine Corps green weenie.
I’m getting shafted by the big brown weenie
when someone forcefully shoves sand into your anus
Tom: You have a good time at the beach?
Dave: Naw, my girlfriend gave me a brown sandy after i dunked her in the water. I've been shitting sand all day.
The spray pattern left on the sheets when you use too much lube during anal sex.
Dude, our first time trying anal left a brown nebula the size of a galaxy!