The act of dancing nude with paint on the body as a form of art.
the Art dancingwas able to show of her exotic breasts
Quick-art is art made by an artist by not using full effort or is made quickly for enjoyment. It usually doesn’t take any more than 5 minutes to make a quick-art piece.
Sally: look at my artwork, I made it because I was bored, it took me 5 minutes.
John: Wow, that is some great quick-art.
Someone who enjoys suffering solely for Artistic purposes.
Someone who enjoys pain and suffering solely for the purpose of creating Art out of it.
"Turn the pain into something beautiful! Into Art!"
Person 1: "OMG did you notice how he always finds a way to break his own Heart everytime he's about to create a Masterpiece?"
Person 2: "Ugh! I know, right??? He's such an Art Masochist"
posting random drawings on internet, especially on social media
art spam!
Practice of drawing a penis on photos
That Photo is a perfect opportunity to create some Nob Art
When you feel like your art will never improve
Person: *Drew a picture of cartoony tree
Friend: *Drew a extremly realistic drawinfg of a forest
Person: Welp now I have art depression