Source Code

Taylor Swifting

When white people fly outta no where on their kale carpets to project themselves into conversations no one invited them to, and make it about themselves.

Black Person- It's hard for me to get the recognition I deserve bc this industry is predominately white.
White Kale Person - woah stop pitting women against each other i support you why are you attacking me (taylor swifting)

by Lollipop1011 July 27, 2015

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Taylor Swift

A pop-country singer who is well-known for writing her own music, singing about her love life, and being loved by tween and teenage girls.

Dating history includes Taylor Lautner, John Mayer, and Jake Gyllenhal to name a few.

Julia: Who's the singer that does that sound, "Speak Now?"
Patricia: Taylor Swift!
Julia: Oh I love her!
Patricia: Me too!

by redbellybird January 22, 2011

51๐Ÿ‘ 181๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taylor Hater

Against Taylor Swift. Thinks highly of themselves and "mature" Usually listens to unpopular music and are in their own little world thinking they know what "real" music is. Although there are some completly messed up haters. Usually can write insanely long paragraphs trying to pick and blow up every little flaw about the country superstar. Ignorant to see she writes about her emotions and writes about guys to express their feelings. Haters take this into another direction and decide it's garbage and think that girls shouldn't listen to this and go cut themselves or something to vent instead of venting with Taylor's songs. Should realize that artists aren't all the same and work toward diffrent priorities and try to attract diffrent groups of people. Concieted and likes to form packs in order to take down girls' spirits. Unaware of the vast new audience Taylor has brought to Country music even if she's not 100% country. Can or can not have a life, it's their decision. They're not that bad. Could just lay off Taylor and her fans.

Taylor Hater Responses
"The only people who can relate with her are teenage girls who like boys way too much. You call that "real people?" Please."

"taylor swift yodels and needs singing lessons. i was born in pa too and shes a bad influence on the state. and who ever heard of a country singer from pa?"

"Taylor Swift the 3 Chord wonder. It just goes to show that today's music is not about talent, but about looks. Being a one time Abercombie & Fitch
is the only thing she has going for her. Just Another Album To Burn! "

by Ishyla June 15, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taylor Hackney

Taylor Hackney is a bipolar bitch and can not keep a guy to save her life.

do you know a taylor hackney? yeah shes a whore.

by Sba Highschool Kids February 16, 2018

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troy taylor

Biggest fucking faggot on the face of earth

You are being such Troy Taylor

by Troy Taylor May 16, 2014

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Taylor Swift

That bitch Kanye made famous

James - "Who's the girl singing that song?"

Pablo - "It's that girl Kanye West interrupted at the VMAs in 2009, I think her name is Taylor Swift."

James - "Oh, he made that bitch famous?"

Pablo - "Yeah, he made that bitch famous

James - "Oh cool"

by NoMorePartiesInLA October 2, 2020

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Fuck Taylors

Cheap, imitation Converse Chuck Taylor shoes. Worn by the nasties and mentally handicapped.

"Man, I remember when Chuck Taylors only cost $5.00."
"Well, these Fuck Taylors were only $10.00."
"Yeah, that's because Wal-Mart rolls back prices."

by Anonymous August 5, 2003

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