Complete shit with a terrible jumpshot and always gets worse as they go
Me: I couldn’t aim my shit in a toilet and it keeps getting worse
My friend: Yea bro that might be Ben Simmons disorder
(v.) Passing a wide open layup
(n.) In a state that you are afraid too shoot the ball
He just ben Simmons'd the layup
After eating the entire Taco Bell menu, you unleash the diarrhea onto your partners while proceeding to fuck them.
Perry went home and did The Ben Davis to his wife.
When two friends are with a woman, and man one places ejaculate into said woman’s vagina. Man two scoops out the ejaculate deposited by man one, and then proceeds to “lick the bowl”
Mark and Linda were having sexual relations and Mark deposits ejaculate into Linda’s vagina. Marks friend Scott, then proceeds with his two fingers in a hook like fashion and decides to perform The Ben and Jerry on the newly deposited ejaculate.
He is the most backstabbing Person you will ever meet. You will fall in love with him. And then he will get quiet.
Ben plunkett is your math partner
Oh sorry
Austin and Ben make great friends, if you meet a friendship with an Austin and a Ben - I can betcha that that friendship will never end.
Person 1 "wow austin and ben are friends"
Person 2"I bet that friendship will never end"
This is a boy that is way over weight but still is a sexy and bottylishious boy to ever exist he will treat you very well and if you know or have met a Ben Creed then you are one of the luckiest people on the plane we call home.
Emma"Did you see Ben Creed?"
Jessica"Yeah he is so juicy I would take him out"