a fucking cretin, of a level unknown to mankind
"oh my fucking god that kid is such a ben oz"
A coconut. An Asian living in either America or the UK. Very funny, sociable, annoying and always ends up in trouble.
Your a Ben-joseph
Ben Jones is the most trending and popular music artist in Cairns Australia. He is notoriously known for his hit songs Anxious and Give Me Your Love
Ben Jones is a successful music artist from Cairns
Ben Goulding is a man of much strength and anger
Ben Goulding regretted his actions at Flinders Street
Species most closely related to a Festee. Thus the Clifford Bens is known to dance uncontrollably and pass out on occasion. Not to be confused with a Blacked-Out Claire, the Clifford surrounds itself with people of all sorts. Most commonly spotted with the Groscoe or Little Rachel. This creature consumes most of its food late-night in forms of pizza and carbs. When the Clifford is in its learning environment, it's main source of caloric intake is caffeine in all forms, most typically, Coffee or Chai.
That crazy, Clifford Bens is at it again." OR "Hope that Clifford stops dancing long enough to grab some Spiced Chai from Donkey.
2👍 -1👎
Party animal. Hide your girlfriend if spotted.
Girl one: I hu with Ben Appio the other day
Girl two: oh my god that must’ve been insane... I heard he’s a freak in the sheets