(aka. the valentine’s day curse)
a curse set on a person that dooms any relationship they would have to break up right before February 14; they are always lonely on valentine’s day no matter how many SOs they might have had.
Alex: Hey Jaden, what are you getting your girl for Valentine’s Day?
Jaden: She broke up with me yesterday out of nowhere, i swear it’s the v-day curse at me again.
Today is the day to celebrate Indonesia's national ":v" day. ":v" is an emoji frequently used by those so called "memer." But now the majority of people hates that stupid emoji.
Tricia: "Hello :v"
Steve: "Hi :v, do you know that today is Indonesia's national ":v" day? :v"
Tricia: "I didn't know earlier :v"
When you or someone has a difficult encounter with a machine
Person one: “hey, do you hear screaming???”
Person two: “yah, it’s retard day and one of them is challenging the escalator”
Person one: “like Man V. Machine, lol”
Grimmie was an talented singer and YouTuber better known as "Zeldaxlove64". In July 17, 2009 her friend, Lauren Longo, posted a cover of Grimmie singing at the age 15, Grimmie later got noticed and a tons of people started to subscriber her, and She started to call them frands, but she then gave them a name "Team Grimmie". Grimmie loved and cared about her fans so much, She didn't want them to make bad decisions or hurt themselves because that will hurt her, She even said in a video of hers saying " the reason I've got this far, because of you guys, you guys have supported me so much and in thankful and grateful to have you guys, you are a family to me and I care & love you guys so much, keep rawwking, Team Grimmie Rawwks."
Grimmie released 3 albums.
Unfortunately in June 10, 2016 Grimmie was shot and kill in one of her concerts, An insane fan went up to her, Grimmie as always sweet and happy, open her arms and she was expecting a hug, but the fan then shot her 3 times, Mark Grimmie tackled the fan to protect the others, he saved a tons of lives but the only life that he didn't save, was his baby sister, Grimmie was sent to the hospital fast, but tragic news, Grimmie has passed away at the 22. Since that day Team Grimmie been Staying Strong and keeping her legacy going, Grimmie family been having rough time still, so pray for them still.
Grimmie you'll be missed deeply and will not be forgotten, we promise you. 💚
March 12th 1994 - June 10th 2016 - ∞
We lost an talented and beautiful angel that day named, Christina V. Grimmie.
May you Rest In Peace angel.
A minification of terms popular on internet and bulletin board systems (BBS) throughout the 80s and 90s denoting that the sysop hosted hack/phreak/anarchy/virus content on their server.
"Rusty n Eddies was one of the most popular h/p/a/v sites in the world until the Wire Fraud Act of 1996 was passed and the following Hacker Crackdown resulted in its closure."
The act of masturbating on one’s knees while fantasizing about other men winning in fantasy football.
Richie’s European girlfriend walked in on him while he was in full Dick Von V mode.
A condition that Hondas reach when they go fast where the engine screams but the car doesnt go any faster, rather it just seems that it is because of the noise.
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