(adj.) - extremely cold
Explanation: originates from the feeling of entering an objectively cold environment, by which it feels as if the individual is being hit by multiple BRICKS. Whether it's by the wind or the shock of the extremely cold temperature.
Disclaimer: often mistaken for "brick" (which is completely absurd)
"Damn! It's bricks outside. I need my f**king jacket."
Cold As FUCK. slang for “freezing cold” we say in brooklyn.
guy 1: Bro what the fuck its mad brick outside yo- it aint even December yet god damn
guy 2: Yeahhh nigga its cold as fuck why yo dumbass come outside in shorts then?
guy 1: Shiii im finna get me a baconeggandcheese at the deli real quick
and a bev fuckk you mean bwoy.
guy 2: 🗿 Nigga- if you catch pneumonia imma laugh at yo dumbass.. and youre wearing slides bro i know ya toes getting frostbite right now 🤣 doing all that for a baconeggandcheese bro… get me one too and get me a sprite. I’ll pay you back when you done.
guy 1: nigga- what part of “its brick” did you not get im not boutta wait for your sandwich in the COLD and im wearing shorts the fuck
guy 2: NIGGA nOBODY told yo DUMBASS TO COME OUTSIDE IN THE COLD WITH SHORTS ON BOZO. you really gonna get yourself a baconeggandcheese and not get me none?
aight i see how it is.😒
guy 1: nigga sdont try to guilt trip me! if you weren’t talking to me right now i woulda been had my sandwich already.
guy 2: You don’t think im cold too? but im sitting here talking to you right now
guy 1: *sucks teeth* bruh... aight bro. *walks to the deli*
guy 2: to himself nigga really out here in basketball shorts in 35 degree weather😭
NBA term: whenever a basketball player chucks up a 3 or midrange or layup even and it bounces off the glass, airballs or off the rim.
Ben simmons just bricked that midrange, bench him!
code word for aboriginal. used to alert people to the presence of aboriginals in a very sutle way as to not provoke attack.
hey watch out there is a bunch of bricks over there
an individual who lacks substance and their purpose in life is useless. they are simply just there. sometimes they show no emotion, therefore, resembling a "brick"
Sally just said "yay!" with a fake smile and monotone voice. Gosh, she's such a brick.
In basketball, a shot that completely misses both basket and backboard (the player might as well have thrown a heavy brick at the basket for all the good it did).
With two seconds left on the clock, he had a perfect opportunity to win the game for the team, but he shot a brick.