When selecting a prostitute, the optimal rental criteria is finding the fattest and oldest hoe with the most skin for your dollar, to maximize your investment's worth in the night.
SI Unit is meter squared per USD
Man, Jimmy is such an idiot! He picked the skinny twenty year old hooker when he had a chance to pick up that Granny Gorlock at the end of the street! He didn't pay attention to the Skin to Buck Ratio (SBR).
A Mitchell buck is in love with a girl named Aly stefanik! He always gets triggered and mad mostly when he loses in Fortnite! Mitchell’s have no life whatsoever! He is secretly gay and doesn’t want to tell his friends! But wait he has no friends!
Stop being a Mitchell buck
Pagu Bucks, a foreign currency, represents a legal tender issued by the government of Paguland, subject to the sovereign jurisdiction of its issuing authority. As such, Pagu Bucks adhere to the regulatory framework governing foreign exchange transactions and monetary policy within Paguland's jurisdiction. Holders of Pagu Bucks are entitled to enforceable rights and obligations as stipulated by Paguland's legal system, including but not limited to contractual agreements, taxation, and currency exchange regulations. The legal validity and enforceability of Pagu Bucks are contingent upon compliance with the laws and regulations of Paguland, ensuring the integrity and stability of its monetary system while facilitating lawful transactions within its borders and in accordance with international conventions.
“Man, I want some Pagu Bucks right about now”
To get drunk/shit-faced on Buckfast tonic/wine
Got completely Buck-faced last-night
The most attractive kids in the world, they fuck many kids moms,and always full send to the max, and are always ferda
You 5 buck cucks are gonna pay for ducking my mom
A buck who on his big night out says he is not going to drink much and will have an early night, whereas, in reality the reverse happens.
Igor is getting married so we took him out for his Bucks' party, we all thought it was going to be a quiet one until the drinking began. Never thought he would turn out to be a Reverse Irish Buck, he was soo drunk he passed out on the way to the wedding.