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Let's party like it's Beta 1.9!

A Minecraft joke/phrase created by superbob1998. It's good for festive activities, get togethers, hang-outs, parties, and invitations to your cool new dirt house! Also, if something bad is going on and people need to cheer up on a Minecraft server, just say this phrase to get people up and get the party going.

Hey guys, I just finished my dirt house, so Let's party like it's Beta 1.9!

It's a pleasure to have all of you guys here, but it's time for some fun! So Let's part like it's Beta 1.9

by superbob1998 July 13, 2012

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Who let you out of the Asylum!?

usually a term used when your friend tells you this crazy story about what he did you automatcilly have to call him a maniac or psycopath and then you have to tell them "who let you out of the asylum!?"

Haro: so i was fuckin blown right now and then i didn't know who Tobar was

Andrew: Damn! foo you a maniac, Who let you out of the Asylum!?

by El Equis June 6, 2009

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Let me be the grave to your tears

The sentence "Let me be the grave to your tears" is a metaphorical expression that means "let me be the one who helps you overcome your sorrow or grief."

The word "grave" typically refers to a burial place for the dead, and tears are often associated with mourning or sadness. So, the sentence is essentially saying that the speaker wants to be a place where the other person can lay their sadness to rest, similar to how a grave provides a final resting place for the deceased.

In other words, the speaker is offering to be a source of comfort and support for the person who is experiencing sadness or grief.

Lara: If only I were to have a place to let go of my burdens and cries...

Bob: Oh Lara, let me be the grave to your tears

by nachogooda March 10, 2023

Letting out a warm one with the boys

A phrase to use after you and the boys drink some beer and piss in some bottles then proceed to throw said bottles off the third story. Whether it's from the third story window, the balcony, or ect.

Not You: So what did you and the guys do last night?
You: You know drinking some cold ones, watching some shite vidoes, and letting out a warm one with the boys.
Not You: Letting out a what?

by YourBrainOnDrugs August 15, 2018

lets' get some maw likka!

statement by questionably educated, alcoholic southern va. house painter. (never seen eating solid food!)

-useful for MANY inappropriate situations!!

pregnant pause: lets' get some maw likka!

how to handle a situation, what to do, which way to turn: lets' get some maw likka!

leaving AA meeting: lets' get some maw likka!

by michael foolsley November 9, 2011

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first let me take a selfie

When u take a picture of your self with YOURSELF. You can have other people when u take a selfie but that person can only be Barak Obama.

But first let me take a selfie

by Umme April 22, 2015

Clink clink let's have a drink

''Clink clink let's have a drink'' is mentioned by Jess and Gabriel Conte in their vlogs when they are about to have a drink. First mentioned in their video called ''IS OUR HONEYMOON PHASE OVER? ADVICE Q&A'' on their channel Jess and Gabriel. Conteam forever!!

Jess: ''Our drinks are ready babe''
Gabe: ''Oh thanks!''
Both: ''Clink clink let's have a drink''

by karolixo March 20, 2020