A great president who won fair and square. Liberals often say they are moving to "Canada" because of this like it's some kind of threat. I say, better them there than here. They can freeze their asses off while we can spend time in warm Florida and thank the people for voting him in the first term.
I moved to Canada because of George W. Bush. Now I can legally get high and lay around in my own filth.
46๐ 247๐
A smart and ruggledly handsome man who is right now governing US and doing a very ethical, efficient and overall extremely good job. Man resonsible for removing terrorist threats and keeping the world a safer place. Other achievements include:
- removing nuclear threats,
- stopping unnatural behaviors (homosexuals),
- obtaining plenty of oil for the US,
- sending peace-men and peace-vehicles to other countries to supply them with food and saftey and shelter,
- visiting the sick and needy
- encouraging Americans
- and overall making the world a better place
George W. Bush is the best leader the world has ever known. I would like to bear his children.
33๐ 172๐
A fine president, commonly called both the most stupid president ever yet accused of being responsible for 9/11, using the Iraq War for his own personal gains, attempting to turn the United States into a police state, and other things that would require a criminal genius. The critics who make the above statements also target the fact that he got a C average in college, despite the fact that it was Yale, an Ivy League college, that he got a C average at. A C average at an Ive League university is considered more difficult than an A average at many other colleges.
He is also constantly referred to as a neo-conservative, a derogatory term for true old-fashioned conservatives. However, his lax actions on such issues as gun control and immigration, show his true alignment, closer to the middle of the political spectrum.
Overall, he will go down in history as an above average president, with no scandals to mar his term in office.
George W. Bush is stupid! But, but, he masterminded 9/11 and his little oil war! But he's dumb! Really!
36๐ 193๐
President of the U.S whom has endured some of the worst tragedies in American history 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. Struggles not because of a lack of knowledge or intelligence but because he is President during a time of chaos and disorder, created not by himself, but by events. Often thought to be an idiot due to his lack luster linguistic skills. Disliked by many Americans due to there bias viewing of the liberal media.
George W. Bush is our President, deal with it and dont be a thorn in a already fragile American Society
33๐ 176๐
The man who finally took the first step againt the 21st century evil.
The man who left the entire democrat party crying and sore losers after being re-elected and royally owning john kerry.
The man who has set up a democracy in the heart of the middle east, which will serve as a beacon for freedom and democracy in a troubled part of the world.
The man with morals, and a strong believer in god.
Not a flip-flop.
The man who gets the job done, unlike Pres. Clinton. who sat his ass around doing 0 and getting his penis sucked.
The man who opened the world's eyes and showed the world what America is made of.
The man who will be remembered for centuries as the most productive and most ambitious president, and missionary of freedom.
President Bush was the deliverer of freedom all across the world.
41๐ 222๐
A good man AND president who is blamed for entirely waaaaaayyy too much shit, especially things that aren't even his fault.
Liberal Jackass: I hate George W. Bush! I hate him so damn much! He's the reason for Hurricane Katrina, the Korean War, breast and colon cancer, AIDS, the KKK, World War I and II, even though he wasn't even alive then, and I'm and idiot.
38๐ 210๐
When you have intercourse with two girls at the same time, also known as a threesome. The word refers to a call of duty killstreak 3 kills with the perk hardline making it 2 kills. While getting and RC-XD with hardline in call of duty is pretty easy, it is extremely hard to accomplish in real life.
"Damnn the club is poppin tonight! You trying to drop an RC-XD w/ hardline!?"
"Brooo have you seen the ratio here, I'm trying to drop a god damn chopper gunner, lets goo!"
84๐ 6๐