I have not the chops to perform anymore
I have not the chops to perform with Black Sabbath anymore, said Bill Ward to a magazine. He wants to mean that he has not enough energies to play drums in a concert at the age of 73.
When you fall off your bike trying to do a jump. Completely break the bike to the point where the wheel falls off. And you lie to your parents about how it broke.
What did you do this weekend?
I can life I swear
For when you love your girlfriend so much, love for my girlfriend, my beloved, sweetpie I love you
"Hey I love my girlfriend"
What you eye-twinklingly say when presented wif a "cranky-conundrum" situation which others are at a loss as to how to solve, but you are able to see a way out dat involves designing/altering one or more components in a certain way.
Cool dude #1, observing his electronics-nerd best friend strolling by his job-site, and waving him over to where he's puzzling over a power-cables array: Hey, Bud --- I'm trying to figger out about wiring up this circuit, but how to hook up da control-switches has me majorly scratchin' my head. Any ideas?
Cool dude #2, after briefly tracing da wiring and pondering a moment: Oh, yeah --- I configure that out. We just need a couple of relays in addition to your existing start-and-stop switches.
People say I love hot dads when they are attracted to dads who are hot.
Person one: “look over there there’s a hot guy”
Person two: “but he has a child”
Person one: “I know I love hot dads”
I love hot dads means that a person is attracted to hot man that are dads.
Person one: “hey look over there that man is hot”
Person two:”he’s a dad”
Person one:”man I love hot dads.”
it's a common virus for people it forces them to say I know your IP over and over again
1: hey, do you have the i-know-your-ip virus?
2: i-know-your-ip i-know-your-ip
1: alright *grabs gun*