The fine act of you putting 8 pieces of 'Snus' under your upper and lower lip - 4 under your upper lip and 4 under your lower lip - causing you to get brutally stoned.
Oh shit, he just took a The Chinese Wall and he aight'
1: Declaring Chinese ethnic origin
2: Pizzapotamus' Iconic Catchphrase
1: "Johnathan said 'I'm Chinese' when asked what his ethnicity was."
2: "I'm Chinese!"
When anyone of the Asian persuasion hacks a Lougee out of their nose by holding one side of their nostril. Hence, blowing it out across the sidewalk. It’s a whole new level of gross.
I just dodged a “Chinese Handkerchief” right in front of me walking to work in the morning!
if you enjoy this subject, you have serious mental issues.
higher chinese is bad because it causes a major loss of brain cells, therefore causing the brain to make a bunch of new cells which end up mutating into brain cancer
person a: "i enjoy higher chinese"
person b: "help is available. call the national suicide hotline at-"
To fart in ones cupped hand, then bring your hand to another’s face, serving them the cupped fart
Kevin wasn’t listening to Naomi’s story, so she gave him a chinese teacup to get his attention. Kevin gagged.
The act of having hand sanitizer dropped on your penus in order to cause pain commonly used as a method of torture the method originated from the slums of Brighton
"I had a bloke Chinese waterboarded for putting a bag of dog poo through my letterbox" Brighton gang member when asked about Chinese waterboarding