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furry butt plug

something you call someone you're mad at in elementarty school.
A but plug, as in something to plug up your put to prevent farting/pooping/peeing and any other functions that may come out of your butt.

shut up you furry butt plug!

by baileyrose July 16, 2008

18πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

Furry Rat Wall Eater

It's a wall eater who is a furry rat. They have an obsessive thing for catgirls (aka dartz), and hentai. They don't want to admit that they're a furry rat because they're just too shy to admit it.

sdfurry: furry rat wall eater, go cronch on walls

wall eater: shut up ~uwu~

dartz: ~wall eater chan~

by Cheesedippers August 26, 2020

Ignore Furry Rights Day

Ignore Furry Rights Day takes place on 29th of November, a day after the storm, and in which day it is legal for you to pretty much ignore all furry rights (like they had any)

Oliver: " Hey Mark, are you taking part in Ignore Furry Rights Day ?"
Mark: " Wouldn't miss it for the world."

by Not a Canadian thank god November 28, 2021

Reject becoming a Furry Day

This happens before ''Become a Furry Day'' Where you reject becoming into a furry (unless you want to).


by Niko_Chilin October 24, 2022

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Furry White Fury

During the act of sex the male dresses as a polar bear, and slaps the female in the face with his penis, then proceeds to ejaculate on her nose.

I gave my wife the furry white fury last night.

by karl p April 27, 2007

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Furry Fandom

garbage that has been set onfire and then fed to starved crows, shat out, then put on a mcdonalds buttery sesame seed bun. Bon AppΓ©tit

Guy 1: Hey have you tried getting into that "Furry Fandom"?
Guy 2: um, hello? do I know you? Get away from me you freak

by HMStheboi June 30, 2018

23πŸ‘ 1114πŸ‘Ž

Gay midget furry porn

Sex in its best form and shortest

Gay midget furry porn is a gift from God

by Sackboy69 July 10, 2021

79πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž