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shameless self promotion

When an urbanetizen (see urbanetizens) uses Urban Dictionary as a venue for writing good things about oneself/one's girlfriend/boyfriend/friend

Seriously, what's the point in shameless self promotion? I'd rather see words others can relate to. Urban Dictionary isn't your school bathroom wall..

by catfight12 January 8, 2009

13πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


An insult that the young of 2014-forever will use, mostly when they hate you

Go kill your self you a**hole peace of ***t

by Tactical_DooDoo October 13, 2017

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Low Self-Esteem

When you jack off only to average-ish girls because you know the girls you really want are too far out of your league and you lack the courage even to fantasize about the girls you really want.

Chad had low self-esteem, so he only wanks in the shower to pictures of Becky when deep down he really wants Stacy

by D Flawless November 12, 2019

8πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Self-deprecating humor

A type of extremely stale humor, mostly used by youtubers to deviate criticism, desperately make a joke, make up for bad quality of videos and/or appear naive to an audience.

Youtuber: hey guys sorry for the low quality of videos for the past years and the constant manipulation of my subscribers, but hey i’m dumb and i have a small penis, so what did you expect LMAO

Audience: oh that doesn’t matter, we completely forgive you, you used self-deprecating humor and clearly see your faults!

by pphard September 30, 2018

8πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Check yo self before you wreck yo self

a saying that means you better watch before you step over that thin line and get yo ass into serious trouble.

Whoa whoa wait a minute nigga...you wanna pull out a .380 on me??? Fool you better chiggity-check yo self before you wriggity-wreck yo self!

by Nick D February 27, 2003

578πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

Self Conceided Prick

Someone who puts a song on an album describing his emotion for a girl which emphasizes how great he is.

Man 1: Put songs on that album that are about her and how you feel towards her, you know?

Man 2: Oh. So like the song "Lucky You"?

Man: Wow. You Self Conceided Prick!

by Jesus M. Christ November 26, 2007

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Mindless Self Indulgence

One of the worst bands ever. They are an absolutely shitty band from NYC, with absolutely shitty lyrics. (I've been denied all the best ultra sex. I... I tried to consume just like a super faggot. I got some dude. how can y'all give a mutha fucka something so good he couldn't say no you nailed me hard.) Their lead singer is a whiny bitch, and all of their songs are about getting laid, dicks, and vaginas.

Their fans all claim they are one of the most original bands ever, which is absolute bull shit.

Bob: Hey John, check out this band. They're called Mindless Self Indulgence. They're this totally original punk band from NYC.

Next day

John: I listened to that CD. What the fuck was that shit? It sucked dick. Go listen to Radiohead, you simple minded fool.

by RADIOHEAD FAN 123 September 11, 2009

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