Source Code

Buddy Roe

1950's Tampa, Florida was the first time I heard of Buddy Roe and Elliot his girl friend.
They had a falling out and Buddy Roe became a Stalker.
One particular night Elliot finally had enough of being stalked.

As Buddy Roe was walking up to the house, there stood Elliot with a shotgun; saying loudly, 3 times, "Back Off, Buddy Roe."
When he didn't stop, she shot and killed him on her fathers walkway.
The then Law, allowed you to shoot and kill Trespassers after properly warning them to leave.
Sad to say, but I didn't know until today that, Elliot had become synonymous with a Bitch.
However I do know they were never married.
The other thing that amazes me is how far from the truth Buddy Roe and Elliot's legacy has come.
The last time I heard someone say "Back Off, Buddy Roe" was 1980's New Jersey and the guy saying it had no idea it's originally a Death Threat! now it's a Demeaning Death Threat!
As for Elliot, she was Righteously a Bad Ass, Bitch

"Back Off Buddy Roe"

by ficctionaltruth February 24, 2019

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bosom buddies

When two friends get together for casual sex

casey x cunt : bosom buddies ?
savannah x suicide : only if johnny x jopito can join us. ;

by DAVE BAKER June 3, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drinking Buddy

Is modern slang for a person who is there with you through thick and thin. And someone who is willing to take on any task or activity with you. Often times is a spontaneous person down for anything .

(NOT to be confused the literal meaning being someone you endulge alchoholic beverages with.)

โ€œHey thanks for being my drinking buddy yesterday! Skydiving is something that I wouldnโ€™t imagine doing without you by my side!โ€

by amomwhothoughtitwastheliteral February 9, 2018

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Little Buddies

Pain pills taken for recreational purposes ONLY. If you are following your recommended dose then you are not taking Little Buddies. Percocet, oxycontin, pure oxycodone, or in a pinch Vicodin.

Hey broski, what are we doing tonight? I want to get some Little Buddies and get fucked up. I got 90 pills from my Doctor a few days ago but those are gone so we'll have to call our local drug dealer.

by The Situationn October 14, 2012

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Fuck buddy

A friend to have sex with from time to time. No strings attached.

Kim is my fuck buddy.

by JecaT August 16, 2020

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Huggy Buddies

The four people who went to Night Camp Week 7 who hugged eachother alot.

We are the Huggy Buddies

by Joe Shmo from Idaho October 23, 2003

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The Buddy Pie

The act of taking your dog and causing him to cum into a pie and forcing a girl to take a dump and insert it into the pie and then throwing it on her face.

Stacey: I am kinda hungry for Pie

Emuel: Get me the dog and i will show u a The Buddy Pie.

by Emuel Lavigne March 7, 2008

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