Source Code

That's why we can't have nice things

It's a statement a mom or dad would make, while exasperated with their child for having broken some household item. For instance, a mother buys a new small appliance for her kitchen, let's say its a stand mixer. The kids start playing with it and jam something in the blades and burn out the motor. Mom walks in and sees the mess and yells, "See! That's why we can't have nice things!"

It's a comment that is actually an irrational thing to say, but it's funny for that reason. A very "mom/dad" thing they would say in the heat of the moment.

"See! That's why we can't have nice things! Dad just bought this VCR, and you kids put a sandwich in it! Now it's broken!"

by RN-real-nerd. June 25, 2014

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

God dammit Kris where the fuck are we?!?!

this meme is particularly used in pop culture points and shitposts, as you can put them in ridiculous places, much like other green screen memes. this meme originated from toby fox's game delta rune where suzie is bewildered while kris is soulless as usual.

-God dammit Kris where the fuck are we?!?!
|we're in idk |
|urban dictionary* |

by AWWWW MAN October 4, 2021

Let’s go we pull up

When gangs in Da hood when they pull up.

Gang Leader: Yeah finally we own this building in Da hood.
Everyone in the gang: Let’s go we pull up

by EpicLLama May 18, 2021

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

thats how we do it in mountain brook

what you say when you break your phone for no reason

New iPhone X thats how we do it in Mountain Brook

by fchcjghxfyx January 30, 2019

26πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

What do we have for 'em, Johnny?

A sarcastic comment that is used when someone figures out something really obvious. An imitation of a game show host announcing that someone has given the correct answer and has won a prize that his assistant (Johnny) will specify on cue. Often preceded by "Ding ding!"

Boss: "OK everyone, Brenda Smith is going to be out on Thursday so we need someone to volunteer to fill her time slot."
Mike Hawk: "I'm available that day. I can do it."
Boss: "All righty then. I'm going to go ahead and stick Mike Hawk in her slot."
Steve: "That's what she said! Or...um...actually I mean that's what HE said!"
(everyone laughs except Jim)
Jim: "I don't get it..."
(20 seconds go by)
Jim: "Oh haha, now I get it...Mike Hawk sounds like 'my cock!' It's sexual innuendo. That's a good one."
Steve: "DING DING! What do we have for 'em, Johnny?"

by Nicholas D February 20, 2009

44πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

I sofa king we todd did

An internet-spread prank that became widely used as a way for assholes to prank the unsuspecting victims who attempt to pronounce it. It is supposed to mean "I so fucking retarded," but many people do not realize this until the damage is done.

(At a local bar in front of many people)

Bro 1: Jimmmmay! Check this out!
(Scrabbles the words "I sofa king we tood did on a napkin)
Bro 2: Alright!
Bro 1: Say those words as loud as you can.
Hot Chick: Why do I even come here..

by joey beee July 13, 2008

171πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

hell yeah we`re the best

See Bobo and Vovo !

How you guys doin' today?
Hell yeah we're the best!

by Bobutza aka Zbobo September 11, 2004

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