When your girlfriend/wife uses trickery to steal/relocate sperm originally intended for the backdoor and relocates to the frontdoor in the hope of secretly procreating.
Breeno: "Jesus Crust mate my girlfriend just told me she is pregnant"
JT: "Hang on, aren't you the 'backdoor bandit'?"
Breeno: "I didn't ask for that nickname!"
JT: But you probably deserve it. You must have been cum jacked! It's the only explanation... cum trickery ass bandit
Someone who suffers from the effects of Copium. Willing to perform demon time services just to get a couple dollars.
I went back to my apartment and there was Jack Cortair messing around with Peanut.
A little boy that finds out the wonders of masturbation while in the shower. When he gets older he is constantly in the shower for 2 hours at a time.
Jack : why does he take so long in the shower ?
Joe : because he is such a shower jack
When you go slow in the fast lane on the highway and expect people to pass you on the right just because you don't feel like getting the fuck over.
They feel the need its there responsibility to control the traffic speeds.
Buddy 1: "Look at this guy Doing 100 in the fast lane"
Buddy 2: " Yea, fucking guy, quit jacking the wheel"
A level 5 sex move when you have your girlfriend eat your ass in order to ejaculate.
Did you hear Bach got Jack Hurley'd at the hornswoggle meetup last night?
After someone has confided what they plan to get a common recipient as a gift, gift-jacking is stealing that person's gift idea and buying it for the recipient yourself first. Result is that they have to think of something else to give. Often followed later with the gift-jacker mentioning what they got the recipient and pretending it was their idea in the first place.
Noun form is Gift-jacker: being the person who does the idea theft.
I was going to get Jane an apron for Christmas, but I got gift-jacked by my Mom.
Absolutely massive, destroys anything it touches, beware it's property of lish
Have you seen jacks willy what a silly willy