To be called derogative terms referencing gay males from a moving vehicle such as an automobile, similar to a drive-by burn.
"God dammit, I was walking down the street holding hands with my boyfriend and some assholes were screaming 'faggots!' at us when they drove by. I'm a chick, why do I keep getting fag-tagged?"
A word for women who spends time with gay or bisexual men, on platonic terms. Its meaning depends on whether the context it is used in is positive or negative, as it can refer to either of two things:
1. Women who are friends with, or prefer to be friends with gay or bisexual men.
2. Women who want a gay friend but only as an accessory; women who go to gay bars only to gawk at drag queens and gay men; women who idolise gay men to the point of fetishisation.
She happily calls herself a fag hag because she's best friends with Tony, who's gay.
"OMG, I want a gay best friend so much! We could go shopping together and gossip and go to gay bars, I want one so much!"
"But I'm gay?"
"That's different, you're a girl. I want a guy gay best friend!"
"You're such a fag hag."
1. (v) The act of changing the subject of an argument or debate so as to distract one's opponent or a third party from the point of the opponent's argument.
2. (v) To procrastinate or avoid fulfulling a request by steering the conversation off in a tangent.
3. (n) Someone who partakes in tangent-fagging.
v: eg: Despite Dave's incessant tangent-fagging, John finally got his point across with the help of inertia and a very large baseball bat.
n: eg: Jamie wasn't going to push Oliver off the highway bridge, but Oliver was a tangent-fag so it didn't matter.
When two men share a sleeping bag.
John lost all his gear, he and Billy had to make a Fag Burrito.
The cough induced when you try smoking for the first time.
I still remember my first drag. I hated the taste and my fag reflex went on for a whole 10 minutes.
White rubber boots worn by fishermen (especially shrimpers) in Southern United States. Named because of a connection to percieved gayness, they are usually required utilitarian wear. Not necessarily a derogatory term to the wearer.
"Grab my fag boots, I'm about to go out in the boat.
"Look at his fag boots he must be a fisherman"
A man who's overuse of methamphetamine has taken him from enjoying sucking on the glass dick once in awhile to a full blown fudge packing, cock sucking, drama queen that steals your clothes when your not watching.
I went to Hemet to visit a relative on vacation and couldn't believe how many meth fags they have in that town.