Bearded clam:
A soy boy, white night, male feminist that wears a beard that is immensely disproportionate to his diminished masculinity.
Dude, this 100 lb. guy walked into the cigar shop with skinny jeans, a man bun and a huge beard, what a bearded clam he was!
Neckbeards on reddit. Often complain about stigmas of redditors being fat, socially inept, and, well, neckbearded.
"M'lady" -Reddit-beard
When your drunk buddy goes down to Naples, FL and picks up a 57 year old devorcee to her $1mm+ home and you throw up in her master bathroom and ruin the planned three sim and then just the eat her out the rest of the night.
Hey Andy took that GIILF back to Pelican Bay and gave her the bearded squid.
When you are hunting for a fuckboy in a midwest state.
"Drop me off at this dive karaoke bar in Denver; I'm going beard diving."
A man or manchild(usually a millennial) that has a beard but most likely gets it trimmed weekly. This man gets offended very easily, and violently opposes hate speech. He would not dare use his hands for manual labor or for properly pleasing a woman. He is a feminist, his wife makes more money than him, and he hates white privilege.
"Hey I heard Lumberjack Leslie has to ask his wife before he does anything!" "Yeah, he's a soft-bearded man."
The significant other to which a man or woman blames an obvious fart (noun); to blame a self-made fart on a significant other - or possibly a family pet (verb).
Hey now, don't beard that fart on me bebe - or -He was cool to claim the blame, but I was sitting next to her - I think he was her fart beard.