Lucky lucky men go ‘yo dell boy’ to Dylan hunt in Tenerife
when you want to say boi out loud
Someone: i want my first son to be a guy
You: boy but with an i
When titties go down hill
"Man look at Megan"
"Nah bruh she ski frickin he boy"
Biggest hypemen ever , dumbest clowns and the oaks of Pretoria
Oh my gosh that guy is such a Boys High Boy
A straight up manwhore who is too busy to just be with one girl, because he makes sure to find other ones to distract himself with.
Lisa: “When last you heard from Shak?”
Bre :“It’s been a minute but Idrc cause he’s a Busy boy”
A guy from the contiguous States who gets mad Guam punani while traveling abroad or she's visiting the mainland.
Elliot, "WOW, he's taken that same girl home every night, he's a total Guam Boy!"
Colton, "Yeah. He hardly ever dates the locals!"
As your in town with your friends you go inside h&m and you see a boy who you give *the look* too
"did you see that fit boy from h&m?"